Upcoming Projects

The Gardening Club at Edinburgh Fringe Festival
to Aug 17

The Gardening Club at Edinburgh Fringe Festival

The Gardening Club is a brand new pop-rock musical that takes place in 1960, Georgia, USA.
A group of women form an illegal drug ring to distribute the birth control pill,
using their gardening club as a cover-up.

The musical touches on subjects such as pleasure, self-discovery, shame, first times and even harder pills to swallow. Bara will be playing the role of Betty Collins.

More information and tickets can be found here.

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Leik og Sprell námskeið
to Aug 2

Leik og Sprell námskeið

Leik og Sprell is a singing and acting course for children and teenagers. The course focuses on building up confidence through creative exercises and games. The children get the chance to create their own musical which they perform at the end of the course for a closed audience.

You can click here to sign up and find further information on the Facebook page.

Leik og Sprell er söng- og leiklistarnámskeið fyrir börn og unglinga. Á námskeiðinu er lögð áhersla á sköpun og leikgleði en í sameiningu búum við til okkar eigin söngleik og sýnum fyrir aðstanendur í lok námskeiðs.

Frekari upplýsingar má finna á Facebook og skráning fer fram hér.

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